Thursday, 29 November 2007

Report of Frank´s teaching

This is a kind of report that a superviser made after having observed Frank´s job with Rita...
“I have been observing the job that you have done so far in this course and I could clearly see some good points that you worked on.
The way you have been teaching was quite good. That is, the class has shown some challenge to respond to your requirements, homework, and texts to read and debate. I could see that you improved very much since last year where there was not any kind of discussion related to the material presented.
However, I did not see if you have tried some extra activities to reinforce the learning of this student. What about going to the theatre or to another cultural event? This might have helped more to see that literature is not just a subject but something that can be related to our lives… It would be great if you try this new experiences with the class for a next time, would you Frank?
On the other hand, the student’s papers have shown me that you worked with material quite think-provoking. Although in the beginning of this course, she just wrote few words as an answer to your questions, and then I could see that she has improved gradually as regards the topics she developed and even her vocabulary and the way she put her ideas together showed how much she has improved.”

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