After reading Savater`s words, I realised that it is very difficult to accept the differences that may exist among human beings. As he said, it is easier to accept or to interact with those people that think, behave, and look as we do than to deal with those who are “different” from us. A lot of problems could be avoided by behaving politely and treating others in the same way we would like to be treated. I remember some advertising that expressed that to be different is something beautiful and amazing, which should be celebrated by us, and I think the same too.
I love your idea of celebrating differences, Laura! How could you, as a teacher, go about it?
PS: did you know that the concept of "treating others in the same way we would like to be treated" is known as The Golden Rule? Have you ever studied criticisms to this principle?
Hello Gladys!!!
I think that a possible way of celebrating the differences is by showing my students that to be different means also to be UniQuE!!! So nobody would be able to replace us.
Honestly, I didn’t know that that concept was called “the Golden Rule”!!! :o
I think that we should apply this idea more often since we are living in a world were our acts affects others in one or another way.
In my daily life I try to treat others as I want to be treated. This could turn to be hard, but it is not impossible. Let’s give this philosophy a chance and maybe we will change for the better our living in this world.
I completely agree with you Lau! differences make us unique... it would be so boring if all of us were the same!!!
Love ,
I agree that we should celebrate differences... Now, it is hard for me to learn it and this make me afraid of not being able to help my students to do so...
Just thinking...
Don't be so harsh upon yourself, Yoha! The very fact you've all been interacting with each other so supportively provides clear evidence of your willingness to "celebrate diversity"... That's all it takes to get started! Your learners will do the rest, all you need is to be open to them!
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