I will star talking about the first chapter of this book “Ética para amador” by Fernando Savater who talks about a few concepts that are difficult to define and or to understand.
First of all, Savater wants to tell us that we have a “powerful tool” that conditionates our actions, which is “will”; that is, we can learn something or not to learn it just if we want to do so. Another thing that influences what we want to do is the point of view that we have about the situation or the action.If we think that it suits us so it is “good”, but if it does not suit us so it is “bad”.
After that comes a concept that is more difficult to talk about without arising discussion:what is “freedom”?Savater tries to give us a couple of items of what freedom concerns.We are not free of choosing every situations such as the place we were born, the parents we have, etc, but we are free to answer to those situations.Another point that he makes is that freedom is not to do all the things that we want even those things that are imposible for us.
He finishes this initial chapter telling that we can choose the kind of life we want, choosing what is good or bad for us. The “art of living” is what ethics concerns.
First of all, Savater wants to tell us that we have a “powerful tool” that conditionates our actions, which is “will”; that is, we can learn something or not to learn it just if we want to do so. Another thing that influences what we want to do is the point of view that we have about the situation or the action.If we think that it suits us so it is “good”, but if it does not suit us so it is “bad”.
After that comes a concept that is more difficult to talk about without arising discussion:what is “freedom”?Savater tries to give us a couple of items of what freedom concerns.We are not free of choosing every situations such as the place we were born, the parents we have, etc, but we are free to answer to those situations.Another point that he makes is that freedom is not to do all the things that we want even those things that are imposible for us.
He finishes this initial chapter telling that we can choose the kind of life we want, choosing what is good or bad for us. The “art of living” is what ethics concerns.
So, Laura, what do you feel "ethics" means to you today, after reading Savater's words? How free do you feel in your everyday life? What role does "will" play in your behaviour?
I'd like also to invite you to comment on this text by Joseph Epstein in our class wiki (the password to comment is the same as the one for Theory of Education).
Looking forward to reading your answers,
I think that the concept that I had about ethics has changed since I read Savater´s words;I mean that this concept is a litle more clear for me. Now I think that ethics is what make us act in a way which results coherent rather than "good for ourselves" because sometimes what is good for us is not for everybody else.
According to Savater´s words, I think that I feel free when I decide how to react towards those situations which envolve some important aspect of my life.But I am not free when I do all the things that I do in my everyday life because for some things we do not decide to do it or not,we just do it because there is no other choice.
“Will” plays an important role in my behaviour since it is some kind of condition to act in the way I do in my everyday life.
Dear L@ur@: you wisely say sometimes we do something which is not exactly "good for ourselves", because we prioritise what's "good for others", others we love, I guess? In that case, might it be the latter option is better for us (or looks so at the time of choosing) than just "doing what's good just for ourselves"??? Oh, if options were not conflictive most of the times!!! :-P
You also say "sometimes we do something just because there is no other choice"... Could you please give me a concrete example of this? Thanks!
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