Friday 15 June 2007


One more time, Savater reminds me that no one can tell us how to live, what things we can do in order to live a “good life” because there isn’t a series of instructions that we can follow so as to live. It would be perfect to have a kind of book which can tell us what things not to do in order to prevent mistakes or wrong decisions that we would be regretting later!!
Our parents, friends, and teachers may give us some advices, which are very useful in some cases, but that is all they can do: GIVE A PIECE OF ADVICE. The rest of the work is done by us: we can take it or live it.
Although we have the last decision to make, Savater tells us that we have to trust on ourselves and that “Elige lo que te abre: a los otros, a nuevas experiencias, a diversas alegrías. Evita lo que te encierra y lo que te entierra.” Personally, I will take it!


Gladys Baya said...

After so many questions, a note of optimism! Nice feeling, isn't it? 8-D!

A "final" question for you, then: can you share one decision you've made recently, one which has "opened you to new people and new worlds"?

Thanks for having shared this blog with us all.

L@ur@ said...

I think that the decision that would open me to new people and new worlds is looking for a job and find it!! Ja. I think that those people will help me to grow and to discover skills that are unknown to me. That is why, I am eager to “get into” that new world!!!!

Gladys Baya said...

Well, getting a new job is definitely bound to "open you to new worlds", I'd say! I wish you the very best, and hope you like the new worlds you come across!
